Edited from the Preface of Richard's Book 'Reflections of a Chair Man' Richard P. Eason.
I decided to put a book together in the hope that if it got published it might help others treading the same rocky path. Also to try to give the able bodied a small insight into our world and with luck promote better understanding, to laugh and cry with us as fellow human beings.
Selections of Richard's 'Reflections' have been extracted from his book and will be featured in SCAN's future newsletters. Richard died in 2014, and his son shared his father’s book with Headway who provided a link to the book from their website https://www.headway.org.uk/. Electronic versions of Richard’s book can be viewed on the Headway website.
The following is one of the poems that Richard updated for SCAN’s newsletter that was issued in the Spring of 1999.
My Life Stream
My place of birth was a mountain spring,
the normal beginning for a life to flow.
Gaining in strength as do all that grow,
to tumble over rocks that make you sting,
divert into eddies where whirlpools cling,
the thrill of speed, the momentum grows
being dragged along by the undertow.
All care abandoned for a wonderful fling,
that sound in the distance completely ignored,
totally absorbed in the power and glory,
the hidden waterfall engulfs with a roar.
Most survive, with just a big splash,
But for me there’s a devastating crash.
Suddenly it's a very different story.
Destiny, a pool that is quiet, deep and slow,
frustrating and alien from everything before,
like a silent scream behind a closed door.
My old life, a leaf, carried off on the flow,
I must search out a new way for my spirit to go.
Entertained by dragonflies that land on my shores,
and handsome salmon, who visit on tour,
the sunshine and mist often deliver a rainbow,
no daily grind, being forced through the turbine,
I will never again to be crushed at the dam,
no fear of pollution or chemical grime.
I have gained deep strength my heart is warm
In spite of the stones that ripple my calm
After all a man is a man however he flow